Prof Dr Michiel Schaeffer

Lead Science Advisor, Co-founder


Prof Dr Michiel Schaeffer is Lead Science Advisor at Climate Analytics and is one of the founders. He is a biophysicist and received his PhD in Dynamic Meteorology at University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, specialising in the interactions between atmosphere, ocean, ecosystems and society.

Michiel has over 20 years of experience and expertise in climate modelling and climate impact science, energy-system analysis, mitigation and adaptation, and providing scientific advice at the climate-policy interface for both developing and developed countries, including targeted scientific support to SIDS and LDCs in the UNFCCC process. He focuses on expanding Climate Analytics’ research and expertise, and helps bring together the scientific assessments with the policy applications across Climate Analytics. He is an author of, a.o. UNEP  Emissions and Adaptation Gap reports, World Bank Turn Down the Heat reports, IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report and many peer-reviewed scientific studies.

Prof Dr Schaeffer is also a researcher and lecturer at the International Islamic University of Indonesia and affiliated with the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Geosciences Faculty, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Until 2022, he was Chief Scientist at the Global Center on Adaptation. He has been based in Europe, Africa, USA and Asia, working on building up co-operation with applied scientists and policy makers across and between these regions.

He brings high-level scientific skills, experience in the international climate policy world, a broad understanding of climate policy and science, high capacities in science communication, presentation and writing, and extensive experience in managing teams of scientists developing state of the art models, tools and products.
