Scaling up climate action in Argentina

Argentina has shown many positive developments in the climate space since 2015, but Argentina’s climate commitment in 2030 is not consistent with holding warming below 2°C, let alone limiting it to 1.5°C as required to achieve the Paris Agreement. This report, the third country assessment in the Climate Action Tracker's Scaling Up Climate Action Series, analyses areas where Argentina could accelerate its climate action. The report illustrates GHG emissions reductions from such actions, along with other benefits, such as the positive impact on employment in low-carbon-orientated sectors.
Scaling up climate action in Argentina’s electricity supply, land-based passenger and freight transport and residential building—covering around 40% of Argentina’s current emissions in 2014—can successfully decarbonise these sectors by 2050. I
ncreasing climate action now would initiate technically feasible sectoral transitions towards a zero-emissions society while directly benefitting Argentina’s sustainable development agenda, including reducing the adverse health impacts from air pollution, and increasing participation and social justice in mobility and housing.