
Nepali Times Screenshot 2024 07 17 at 14 47 03
July 2024

Nepali Times

Nepal's over-reliance on hydroelectricity at the cost of solar power is high-risk and high-cost. Manjeet Dhakal told the “We talk about how heavy rains will affect our hydropower plants, but we haven’t even begun to think about increasing temperature affecting water availability, making the case for energy diversification beyond hydropower that much stronger.”

‘It’s good news’: Scientists suspect history about to be made in China
July 2024

Sydney Morning Herald

“We are still looking at the numbers from last year, but I think it is happened. If we have peaked in emissions from fossil fuels, and I think we have, this is a historic moment,” Bill Hare told the Sydney Morning Herald. He said the turning point is significant because it demonstrates that a generation of difficult diplomacy and politics, of innovation and inventiveness, is starting to pay off in measurable change.

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June 2024

The Jakarta Post

"Saudi Arabia is the biggest oil exporter... it is also one of the hottest countries in the world," Fahad Saeed told the Jakarta Post. The kingdom needs "to make this transformation of their economy towards greener options, towards more renewables, because it is also host of this very important haj". If conditions worsen, there is a risk that "we are going to lose some of the rituals" seen as essential to the pilgrimage, he said.

SBS news jun 24
June 2024

SBS News

"I wouldn't panic about it right now," Bill Hare told SBS News. Some years are warmer than the long-term temperature trend, and others were cooler, and the natural variability in the climate system appeared to be "quite big", he said. "The thing that people need to understand is the long-term trend is alarming — and that's not going to slow down until we reduce emissions".