How close are INDCs to 2°C and 1.5°C pathways?
Louise Jeffery, Ryan Alexander, Bill Hare, Marcia Rocha, Michiel Schaeffer, Niklas Höhne, Hanna Fekete, Pieter van Breevoort, Kornelis Blok

Aggregate INDC emissions are far above levels consistent with below 2°C, with around 65% of global emissions covered INDCs announced by 1 September 2015 lead to global emissions far above the levels needed by 2025 and 2030 to put the world on track to hold warming below 2°C, or to below 1.5°C, in 2100.
As of 1st September, 29 governments have submitted INDCs, covering around 65% of global emissions in 2010 (excluding LULUCF) and 43% of global population. The CAT has directly assessed 16 of these INDCs covering 64.5% of global emissions in 2010 (excluding LULUCF) and 41% of global population.