Climate Action Tracker Mexico – Assessment of Mexico's policies impacting its greenhouse gas emissions profile
Niklas Höhne, Bill Hare, Marion Viewe, Sara Moltmann, Markus Hagemann, Viviane Schüler, Michiel Schaeffer, Hanna Fekete, Marcia Rocha

Mexico has made some of the most advanced efforts in the developing world to tackle climate change, including passing strong climate change law, however Mexico still has a long way to go to achieve its emissions reduction targets.
This 120-page analysis is part of an ongoing investigation by the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) team from Climate Analytics and Ecofys as to whether current or pledged climate action will be enough limit the negative effects of climate change by holding global temperature increase below 2°C. It examines all sectors: electricity, industry, transport, agriculture, forestry and buildings and compares action against the CAT’s own long term low-carbon vision.