Climate impacts and risks

We research how climate impacts – from storms and droughts to fires and water scarcity – affect peoples and ecosystems around the world, and what could happen at higher levels of warming.

Our impacts work is used as evidence in climate negotiations, in climate litigation cases and to inform policymakers of the risks associated with delayed action.

Our expertise includes:

  • climate projections and associated impacts
  • extreme events
  • slow-onset impacts
  • land use and land use change
  • socio-economic and health impacts
  • science communication

Our experts

Anne Zimmer

Dr Anne Zimmer

Group Lead: Socio-economic impacts and financial implications of climate change


Climate change risk analysis to support the Network for Greening the Financial System

The Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) is a voluntary group of banks and supervisors that aim to share best practices on climate risk management in the financial sector and to mobilise mainstream finance to promote the transition to a sustainable economy. Climate Analytics contributes to this work by providing estimates of risk from climate change impacts using future climate projections and makes them publicly available through the Climate Impact Explorer online tool.

Read more about Climate change risk analysis to support the Network for Greening the Financial System Read more

Constraining uncertainty of multi-decadal climate projections

The EU-funded project “Constraining uncertainty of multi-decadal climate projections” (CONSTRAIN) will address crucial knowledge gaps in climate science to significantly improve our understanding of how natural and human factors affect multi-decadal regional climate change. The project will deliver improved climate projections of policy relevance for the next 20 to 50 years, contributing to European research on fundamental climate system processes and climate variability.

Read more about Constraining uncertainty of multi-decadal climate projections Read more


IMPACT is a cross-cutting, multi-faceted project that aims to strengthen the connections between the scientific assessments of climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to help enable access to finance and help Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) implement concrete projects.
Read more about IMPACT Read more

Science-based national adaptation planning in Sub-Saharan Africa

This project provides francophone Least Developed Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa with science-based support when formulating their National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). In addition, it will give these countries access to international climate finance and establish national, international and regional platforms to share knowledge and experiences.
Read more about Science-based national adaptation planning in Sub-Saharan Africa Read more

Breaking down siloed decision making on climate for the EU 2020 Strategy

This research project is a collaboration between nine European institutions. It takes a fresh look at how the EU 2020 Strategy can achieve its goal of smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth, particularly undertaking novel complexity approaches to the integration of policies involving the nexus between water, food, energy, land use and climate change.
Read more about Breaking down siloed decision making on climate for the EU 2020 Strategy Read more


SURVIVE, a joint project between Climate Analytics and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) supports Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the international climate change negotiations.

Read more about SURVIVE Read more


PREVENT is built around a team of experienced climate scientists and analysts, whose objective is to provide science, policy, strategic and analytical support for delegations of the Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States.

Read more about PREVENT Read more
