Pacific Region – Dr Patrick Pringle
Caribbean Region – Dr Adelle Thomas
West Africa – Dr Djibril Dayamba
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Charles & Associates Inc, Le Comité Permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel, West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research.

IMPACT is a cross-cutting, multi-faceted project that aims to strengthen the connections between the scientific assessments of climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to help enable access to finance and help implement concrete projects in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs). The project is implemented in three focus regions –the Pacific, West Africa and the Caribbean.
Due to the diverse and unique conditions of SIDS and LDCs, climate change poses an existential threat to many of these countries and undermines sustainable development prospects for most. These countries often lack capacity to develop and implement science-based strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation, to access climate finance and to fully represent their interests at the international level. But they have a vital interest in being able to ensure an ambitious and 1.5°C limit-compatible implementation of the Paris Agreement in the period to 2020. The tools and methods of this project are co-developed with the partner organisations to follow regional requirements, ensure ownership and the establishment of long-term application capacities. Integration into the larger framework is ensuring comparability as well as transferability of results between regions.
The project aims to build sustainable capacity in partner regions in these dimensions:
Climate Finance and Implementation
This aspect of the project supports regional implementation, enhances long-term sustainable access to international climate finance and strengthens capacities of national and regional entities through co-development of institutional processes and plans, strategic stakeholder engagement, and regular regional training workshops throughout the project duration.
Climate Policy
IMPACT assists with revising 2020 NDCs & analyses transformational pathways, including emissions ambition requirements in line with the 1.5°C goal in the Paris Agreement, to inform implementation, climate finance investments, and adaptation needs.
Climate Science
Through IMPACT, scientific outputs and knowledge products are co-developed with relevant actors to make use of them in the development and implementation of transformational climate adaptation and mitigation strategies.
Climate Diplomacy
IMPACT diplomacy is aimed at enhancing SIDS and LDCs negotiators’ participation in the international climate negotiations (UNFCCC) by building on the expertise, networks and trust established through the highly successful SURVIVE and High Level Support Mechanism projects.

Project Features

2020 NDC Revision
IMPACT assists with the enhancement of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to increase ambition and fast-track implementation within the NDC Partnership. Climate Analytics is part of the NDC Support Cluster,
established by the German Ministry of Environment as part of its
International Climate Initiative, which aims to promote coordinated
consultations and maximise synergies in the partner countries.

Country Request Mechanism
One of the unique features that allows IMPACT to deliver tailored policy, technical and scientific support in the focus regions is the ‘country support request mechanism,’ developed with partner countries during the inception phase of the project.
This is how the mechanism works: the requesting body – which can be a regional organisation or a national government department, for example – contacts one of our regional partners (SPREP in the Pacific, CCCCC in the Caribbean and Climate Analytics Lomé in West Africa), specifying its climate-related needs. Our regional scientists then work with the requesting body and regional partners to develop the best approach to deliver this support. Since the implementation of the mechanism in 2017, IMPACT has responded to more than 20 requests.

Climate Tools
Open access, user-friendly, and interactive tools making climate projections easily available to policy makers and researchers for agriculture, energy, and human health.
Adaptation Map for West Africa and Caribbean
Costs of Inaction
Other tools developed under IMPACT and other Climate Analytics projects: RegioCrop, Local Sea Level Rise (Local SLR), RegioClim (developed under the PAS-PNA project)