Our projects

The RESCUE (Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neutrality and negative Emissions) project aims to improve our knowledge and understanding of the climate and Earth system responses to climate neutrality and net negative emissions.

This project aims to empower island communities to assess what risks they face from flooding under different climate scenarios and help them determine which adaptation strategies will work best for their circumstances.

Ce programme a pour objectif d’équiper les pays francophones d’Afrique des compétences nécessaires, afin d’augmenter la mobilisation du financement pour la mise en œuvre de leurs priorités en matière d'adaptation au changement climatique.

This programme aims to equip French-speaking African countries with the skills required to mobilise the finance they need to implement their climate change adaptation priorities.

Supporting the implementation of NDCs in the Caribbean: transforming transport and energy sectors towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient future (NDC-TEC) is a programme funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety’s (BMU) climate initiative, to support countries in the Caribbean to enhance the ambition of their climate targets, implement transformative actions within the energy and transport sectors, and to facilitate strategic access to climate financing. So far, tailored support has been offered to Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, and Saint Lucia.
