Our projects


Supporting the implementation of NDCs in the Caribbean


October 2022– September 2027

Supporting the implementation of NDCs in the Caribbean: transforming transport and energy sectors towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient future (NDC-TEC) is a programme funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety’s (BMU) climate initiative, to support countries in the Caribbean to enhance the ambition of their climate targets, implement transformative actions within the energy and transport sectors, and to facilitate strategic access to climate financing. So far, tailored support has been offered to Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, and Saint Lucia.

Breaking down siloed decision making on climate for the EU 2020 Strategy


June 2016– June 2020
This research project is a collaboration between nine European institutions. It takes a fresh look at how the EU 2020 Strategy can achieve its goal of smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth, particularly undertaking novel complexity approaches to the integration of policies involving the nexus between water, food, energy, land use and climate change.