Mobilising adaptation finance: building capacity in Francophone North and sub-Saharan Africa
NDC Partnership, Climate Action Africa

Despite the climatic vulnerability of French-speaking African countries, there is a considerable shortfall in financial flows to the region compared to other zones. To combat the challenges these countries face in accessing adaptation finance, the NDC Partnership Support Unit – with the support of the Climate Action in Africa project of Canada's Department of Global Affairs – initiated a capacity-building programme in the region.
Climate Analytics Africa is leading six regional capacity-building sessions for national representatives, including climate finance experts, government officials, and national development bank personnel from across French-speaking North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa.
Based on an assessment of the capacity-building needs of the programme's targets, the learning objectives in the sessions were broken down as follows:
- Access data and information needed to establish sound climate-based rationales.
- Assess and prioritise adaptation options.
- Use innovative approaches and instruments to finance adaptation projects.
- Integrate the principles of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) into adaptation projects.
- Improve monitoring, evaluation and risk management in adaptation projects.