Dr Anne Zimmer

Group Lead: Socio-economic impacts and financial implications of climate change

Climate Science and Impacts


    Anne Zimmer

    Anne joined Climate Analytics in January 2018, and works on several projects related to co-benefits of mitigation and adaptation, climate impacts and avoided damages. She is currently on Maternity leave until September 2024.

    In her career, Anne has conducted research on various climate and energy related issues including political and behavioural challenges to climate policy implementation, co-benefits, low-carbon development, and vulnerability to climate impacts. Moreover, she gained experience in applying a broad set of quantitative methods (such as econometrics) and qualitative methods (such as policy analyses, interviews).

    During her PhD thesis, she worked as researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in the Research Domain “Sustainable Solutions”. In her PhD thesis, she investigated among other things the factors behind the shift in Vietnam’s climate policy and the potential of fuel taxation reforms to curb air pollution and carbon emissions from road transportation in Europe.

    As a consultant for the World Bank, Anne analysed the impact of climate-related shocks on poverty in developing countries. In her previous position at ConPolicy, she was giving policy advice in the field of sustainable consumption and on other consumer policy issues among others to the German Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV) as well as the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA).

    Anne holds an economics degree (Diploma) from Freie Universität Berlin and a PhD in climate change economics from Technische Universität Berlin, supervised by Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer (PIK and MCC Berlin).