Dr Jonas Hörsch

Unit Lead - Modelling

Climate Policy Analysis


    Jonas hoersch

    Dr Jonas Hörsch is a member of the Climate Policy Team at Climate Analytics and is involved in multiple projects, including the NDC 1.5°C Pathways project.

    Jonas focuses on the modelling and analysis of energy systems. He is knowledgeable about optimisation, detailed technological bottom-up models as well as multi-model coupling in general, and focuses on workflow design and automation for the evaluation of decarbonisation pathways in integrated assessment models.

    Before joining Climate Analytics, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Energy Systems Modelling group at the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (IAI KIT). Jonas holds a PhD in Physics from the Goethe-University Frankfurt for his research on the techno-economic decarbonisation options for the European electricity system based on the optimisation of integrating renewables under limited expansion of the electricity grid. He co-developed and maintains widely-used open-source libraries and models for energy system analysis.