Stocktaking on scientific knowledge on impacts, vulnerability, adaptation options and strategies available in Senegal (Publication in French)
Mélinda Noblet, Aichetou Seck, Adama Faye, Mamadou Sadio, Ibrahima Camara and Alousseynou Bah
Avec la contribution des membres des consortia de recherche des secteurs de l'agriculture, des ressources en eau et de la zone côtière du PAS-PNA.

The stocktaking of science-based knowledge allowed on one hand to get a clear picture of the existing scientific knowledge on impacts, vulnerability, adaptation options and strategies available in Senegal for the three priority sectors (Agriculture, Water resources and Costal Zones). On the other hand, it allowed to identify the gaps for the availability and reliability of scientific information in each of these sectors. Based on the two stocktakings undertaken, it was possible to determine the additional information to be provided by the sectoral vulnerability studies.