Aichetou Seck
Climate Diplomacy Advisor - LDC Support
Climate Diplomacy

Aichetou is based in Dakar, Senegal and supports the LDC Chair as Climate Diplomacy Advisor. In this capacity, she provides daily support in the activities, climate negotiations, undertaking research and consultation regarding specific needs of the group. She is part of the Diplomacy team in CA.
As a geographer, she has been working with coastal communities since 2007 and enhancing their response to global challenges.
Before joining Climate Analytics, Aichetou investigated how climate change affects both agriculture and fishery and how these affect local communities’ livelihoods. She has experience in developing science-based adaptation strategies, which inform decision makers on “coastal community-level”. In her current capacity as lecturer at the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, and in cooperation with NGOs focused on conservation, she has developed with Master Gidel a series of projects, which focus on capacity building for students but also with universities through the scope of PREMAC Project which aimed to accompanied them in the conception of small granted projects.
Aichetou Seck holds a PhD in Science and Management of the Environment.
- Évaluation des références aux changements climatiques et de leur base scientifique dans les politiques et stratégies au Sénégal (Policy Brief)
- Etat des lieux des connaissances scientifiques sur les changements climatiques pour les secteurs des ressources en eau, de l’agriculture et de la zone côtière au Sénégal
- Senegal: stocktaking of the integration of climate change in the policies and strategies at national and regional level (Publication in French)
- Stocktaking on scientific knowledge on impacts, vulnerability, adaptation options and strategies available in Senegal (Publication in French)