Dr Fahad Saeed
Scientific Model and Data Manager / Regional Climate Scientist
Climate Science and Impacts

Fahad is part of the Climate Science and Impacts team at Climate Analytics, working as the regional lead for South Asia and the Middle East. He has been working with Climate Analytics since 2017, in different roles and capacities working on climate modelling and data, regional climate science, and providing scientific and strategic advisory support to Least Developed Countries. He is currently based in Islamabad, Pakistan.
His expertise encompasses climate modelling as well its associated risks and impacts. He has published with numerous international peer-reviewed publications, and has written and contributed to many scientific reports and policy briefs, mainly on the topics of climatology, hydrology/glaciology and climate policy. In addition, he writes articles and engages with media on issues concerning climate change and its impacts.
Fahad has previously worked with Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-Met) and Climate Service Center (GERICS) under Helmholtz-Zentrum-Geesthacht (HZG), in Hamburg, Germany. He was Climate Change Advisor and Head of Environment and Climate Change Unit at the policy think tank, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) in Islamabad, Pakistan. During his early career at Global Change Impact Studies Center (GCISC) in Islamabad, Pakistan, he also led the research section on Water Resources.
Fahad holds a Ph.D. degree in Earth Sciences from MPI-Met, Hamburg, Germany with a focus on Regional Climate Modelling, mainly working on the South Asian region. He has a background in physics and received his M.Phil. degree in Computational Physics and the M. Sc. in Physics, both from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
- Matthews, T.M., Ramsay, E.R., Saeed, F.S., Sherwood, S.S., Jay, O.J., Raymond, C.R., Abram, N.A., Kai Wei Lee, J.K.W.L., Barley, S.B., Perkins-Kirkpatrick, S.P., Saleh Khan, M.S.K., Meissner, K.M., Roberts, C.R., Mavalankar, D.M., Smith, K.S., Ullah, A.U., Sadad, A.S., Turner, V.T., Forrest, A.F. Humid heat exceeds human tolerance limits and causes mass mortality. nature climate change. (2024) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-024-02215-8
- Zachariah, Jha, Mondal, Rauniyar, Vahlberg, Kayastha, Raju, Baumgart, Saeed, Otto. Rapid urbanisation and climate change key drivers of dramatic flood impacts in Nepal. (2024) https://doi.org/10.25561/115192
- Coucou, D.C., Arias, P.A.A., Bastos, A.B., Gonzales, C.K.G.G., Hegerl, G.C.H., Hope, P.H., Jack, C.J., Otto, F.O., Saeed, F.S., Serdeczny, O.S., Shepherd, T.G.S., Vautard, R.V. How can event attribution science underpin financial decisions on Loss and Damage?. PNAS Nexus. 3, 8 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae277
- Zachariah, Saeed, Barnes, Clark, Vahlberg, Thalheimer, Otto. Increasing April-May rainfall, El Niño and high vulnerability behind deadly flooding in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. (2024)
- Zachariah, Kimutai, Barnes, Gryspeerdt, Seneviratne, Almazroui, Vautard, Zhang, Pinto, Vahlberg, Sengupta, Saeed, Otto. Heavy precipitation hitting vulnerable communities in the UAE and Oman becoming an increasing threat as the climate warms. (2024) https://spiral.imperial.ac.uk/handle/10044/1/110910
- Martyr, Saeed, Klönne, Nauels, Rosen, Schleussner. The 1.5°C limit and risks of overshoot. (2024)
- Mushtaq, Akhtar, Zia ur Rahman Hashmi, Masood, Saeed. Hydrologic interpretation of machine learning models for 10-daily streamflow simulation in climate sensitive upper Indus catchments. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. (2024) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00704-024-04932-8
- Martyr. Le seuil de +1,5°C et le risque de dépassement de ce seuil
- Nath, Hauser, Schumacher, Lejeune, Gudmundsson, Quilcaille, Candela, Saeed, Seneviratne, Schleussner. Representing natural climate variability in an event attribution context: Indo-Pakistani heatwave of 2022. Weather and Climate Extremes. (2024) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221209472400032X?via%3Dihub
- Otto, Zachariah, Saeed, Siddiqi, Kamil, Mushtaq, Arulalan, AchutaRao, Chaithra, Barnes. Climate change increased extreme monsoon rainfall, flooding highly vulnerable communities in Pakistan. Environmental Research: Climate. Volume 2, Number 2 (2023) https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2752-5295/acbfd5
- Long term strategies: low carbon growth, resilience and prosperity for Least Developed Countries
- Deadly Heat Stress to Become Commonplace Across South Asia Already at 1.5°C of Global Warming
- Sharing the burden: quantifying climate change spillovers in the European Union under the Paris Agreement
- From Paris To Makkah: Heat stress risks for Muslim pilgrims at 1.5°C and 2°C
- Coal phase-out and energy transition pathways for Asia and the Pacific
- Water availability in Pakistan from Hindukush–Karakoram–Himalayan watersheds at 1.5°C and 2°C Paris Agreement targets
- Decarbonising South Asia and South East Asia
- Why geoengineering is not a solution to the climate problem
- Climate impacts at 1.5°C and 2°C – Results of the HAPPI DE Project Klimafolgen bei 1,5°C und 2°C
- 1.5°C Hotspots: Climate Hazards, Vulnerabilities, and Impacts
- Crop productivity changes in 1.5° C and 2° C worlds under climate sensitivity uncertainty
- Risks for the global freshwater system at 1.5 °C and 2 °C global warming
- Robust changes in tropical rainy season length at 1.5°C and 2°C
- Impacts of 1.5 versus 2°C on cereal yields in the West African Sudan Savanna