Scaling up climate action in Indonesia

Limiting global temperature increase to 1.5°C is highly relevant for Indonesia as, at 3% of global emissions (incl. LULUCF), it is among the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters and expected to be among the worst affected by climate change.
This report, the fourth country assessment in the Climate Action Tracker’s Scaling Up Climate Action Series, analyses areas where Indonesia could accelerate its climate action. The report illustrates GHG emissions reductions from such actions, along with other benefits.
In Indonesia, there is tremendous potential to scale up climate action, especially in the focus areas of this study: electricity supply, passenger transport, and forestry. Increasing climate action now would initiate technically-feasible and socio-economically beneficial sectoral transitions towards a zero-emissions society while directly benefitting Indonesia’s sustainable development agenda.

Scaling up climate action in the electricity supply, passenger ground transport and forestry sectors, which together covered about 70% of Indonesia’s emissions in 2014, would lead to curbing emissions growth and could achieve a 20% reduction in emissions below 2010 by 2030. This stands in stark contrast to the currently projected 58-68% emissions increase under Indonesia’s Paris Agreement Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). It would initiate Indonesia’s transition towards zero emissions in line with the Paris Agreement and peak Indonesian GHG emissions excluding deforestation and land use shortly after 2030.
To get on track toward Paris Agreement-compatible emissions reductions, Indonesia needs to urgently scale up climate action in the electricity and transport sectors, decarbonising them by 2050, with phasing out coal power generation, ramping up renewable energy generation and electrifying the growing transport fleet, as essential strategies. The Indonesian forestry sector has the single largest potential for reducing domestic emissions and Indonesia can turn its forestry sector into a net sink of carbon emissions by 2030 if takes significant steps to halt peat fires, reduce deforestation rates and restore degraded peatlands.