Peer-reviewed Papers
Haitian communities were the locus of the majority of deaths and missing people attributed to the 2019 Hurricane Dorian and faced a series of distributional, procedural and recognition injustices. We investigate the historical factors and contemporary conditions of Haitian communities in The Bahamas that resulted in significant inequities, disproportional impacts and infractions of human rights.
Long-term, low greenhouse gas emission development strategies provide a beneficial space for Least Developed Countries to set out a visionary blueprint for a resilient, decarbonised future, compatible with limiting warming to 1.5°C.
Peer-reviewed Papers
This report provides an overview of the best available science and other key concepts of relevance to the achievement of the 1.5°C limit – i.e., the long-term temperature goal (LTTG) of the Paris Agreement – and assesses the adequacy of the mitigation measures and targets of the 33 respondent states in Duarte Agostinho v Portugal and 32 other States against the long-term temperature goal.
Peer-reviewed Papers
Debt-for-climate swaps provide an avenue for small island developing states to address challenges arising from adapting to increasing climate change risk and recovering from the pandemic.