

Accounting for socioeconomic constraints in sustainable irrigation expansion assessments

Peer-reviewed Papers

June 2022
This paper provides five scenarios of sustainable irrigation deployment in the 21st century integrated into the framework of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, which account for biophysical irrigation limits and socioeconomic constraints. We find that the potential for sustainable irrigation expansion implied by biophysical limits alone is considerably reduced when socioeconomic factors are considered.
An assessment of the adequacy of the mitigation measures and targets of the respondent states in Duarte Agostinho v Portugal and 32 other states


January 2022

This report provides an overview of the best available science and other key concepts of relevance to the achievement of the 1.5°C limit – i.e., the long-term temperature goal (LTTG) of the Paris Agreement – and assesses the adequacy of the mitigation measures and targets of the 33 respondent states in Duarte Agostinho v Portugal and 32 other States against the long-term temperature goal.

National ‘fair shares’ in reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the principled framework of international environmental law

Peer-reviewed Papers

September 2021

This article tests fairness justifications offered in 168 nationally determined contributions to the 2015 Paris Agreement against the touchstone of principles of international environmental law and finds some justify their contributions on the basis of indicators not backed by such principles.