

Annual report 2020-2021

Annual Reports

July 2022

Covering the period 2020-2021, this report looks back at how, regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic, our work continued to feed into the global priorities in areas of climate science around the 1.5°C limit in the Paris Agreement, global decarbonisation, international climate negotiations and implementing climate action in vulnerable countries – small island developing states and least developed countries.

Accounting for socioeconomic constraints in sustainable irrigation expansion assessments

Peer-reviewed Papers

June 2022
This paper provides five scenarios of sustainable irrigation deployment in the 21st century integrated into the framework of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, which account for biophysical irrigation limits and socioeconomic constraints. We find that the potential for sustainable irrigation expansion implied by biophysical limits alone is considerably reduced when socioeconomic factors are considered.