
This report presents technically feasible 1.5°C compatible energy and emissions pathways for the group of countries that make up the Council of Europe, and assesses whether member states’ current 2030 climate targets are collectively aligned with limiting warming to 1.5°C.

Working Papers
Submission on the new Australian Government consultation on its proposed reforms to the Safeguard Mechanism to help industry reduce emissions in line with its climate targets.


This policy brief assesses 1.5°C compatible pathways for seven selected EU member states (Germany, Finland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain) and compares them with current national plans and targets.

What does the 1.5°C goal require from EU climate policy? This 4i-TRACTION policy brief analyses the latest 1.5°C-aligned scenarios and spells out what they imply for EU climate policy.

Peer-reviewed Papers
This study analyses six institutional decarbonisation scenarios published between 2020 and mid 2021 (including four from the oil majors and two from the International Energy Agency. It finds that most of the scenarios would be classified as inconsistent with the Paris Agreement as they fail to limit warming to ‘well below 2 ̊C, let alone 1.5 ̊C, and would exceed the 1.5 ̊C warming limit by a significant margin.