Peer-reviewed Papers
The authors find that the warming trend in the Atlantic from variations in atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature increase has doubled the probability of extremely active tropical cyclone seasons.
This report looks into the application of a natural catastrophe model that calculates climate risk and potential of adaptation in the Caribbean.
Peer-reviewed Papers
In addition to modelling the CO2 sequestration from afforestation, this study looks at the localised biogeophysical cooling or warming by translating the biogeophysical temperature change to a CO2 equivalent.
Peer-reviewed Papers
Use and economic benefits of indigenous seasonal climate forecasts: evidence from Benin, West Africa
Indigenous seasonal climate forecasts produced by local elders and professional traditional forecasters in Kandi, Glazoué and Zè increased a maize producer’s net income by at least 3%.
This report provides an overview of the best available science and other key concepts of relevance to the achievement of the 1.5°C limit – i.e., the long-term temperature goal (LTTG) of the Paris Agreement – and assesses the adequacy of the mitigation measures and targets of the 33 respondent states in Duarte Agostinho v Portugal and 32 other States against the long-term temperature goal.