
Peer-reviewed Papers
In addition to modelling the CO2 sequestration from afforestation, this study looks at the localised biogeophysical cooling or warming by translating the biogeophysical temperature change to a CO2 equivalent.

Peer-reviewed Papers
Use and economic benefits of indigenous seasonal climate forecasts: evidence from Benin, West Africa
Indigenous seasonal climate forecasts produced by local elders and professional traditional forecasters in Kandi, Glazoué and Zè increased a maize producer’s net income by at least 3%.

This report provides an overview of the best available science and other key concepts of relevance to the achievement of the 1.5°C limit – i.e., the long-term temperature goal (LTTG) of the Paris Agreement – and assesses the adequacy of the mitigation measures and targets of the 33 respondent states in Duarte Agostinho v Portugal and 32 other States against the long-term temperature goal.

Peer-reviewed Papers
This study quantifies the contributions of the five largest emitters (China, US, EU-27, India, and Russia) to projected 2030 country-level warming and extreme hot years with respect to pre-industrial climate.

Peer-reviewed Papers
Burkina Faso's national adaptation policies are only informed by scientific information to a limited extent due to insufficient availability of information, limited human and technical capacity and lack of finance.
