Manjeet Dhakal
Head of LDC Support Team, Climate Analytics South Asia Office
Climate Diplomacy, Management Team

Manjeet leads the LDC Support Team, providing technical inputs and analysis to the Chair and members of the LDC Group. He also serves as an Advisor to the Chair of the Least Developed Countries (LDC) Group at the UN Climate Change multilateral process. In this role, he has worked with Nepal, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Bhutan, Senegal and currently Malawi, and played a key part of the LDC efforts that led to the Paris Agreement in 2015. He has provided high-level climate leadership support for the LDCs’ officials and ministers in climate change UN-related processes over many years and is responsible for institutional capacity on climate issues. He has been following and participating in the UNFCCC negotiations for more than a decade.
Manjeet was honored in 2009 as ‘International Climate Champion’ by the British Council. He is also associated with School of Environmental Science and Management, Pokhara University in Nepal as an Adjunct Faculty for climate change.
Before joining Climate Analytics, Manjeet was Program Director at Clean Energy Nepal (CEN) where he worked for about five years and also served as the functional head of the organisation from June 2011 to April 2013. He remains active on the Board of CEN. He holds a Masters degree in Environmental Management (MSc) from Pokhara University, and is currently pursuing a PhD at Kathmandu University. He regularly writes, teaches and presents on climate change related issues.
Opinion Editorials
Key priorities of Least Developed Countries in 2018, 12 March 2018 by Gebru Jember Endalew and Manjeet Dhakal
Chair of the LDC Group and chief advisor outline the priorities in 2018 and at COP24.
Did Marrakech climate talks deliver for world’s poorest? by Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu and Manjeet Dhakal, 5 December 2016, Climate Home
Lead envoy of Least Developed Countries bloc and chief advisor assess whether the COP22 talks last month offer hope dangerous warming will be stopped.
- Zachariah, Jha, Mondal, Rauniyar, Vahlberg, Kayastha, Raju, Baumgart, Saeed, Otto. Rapid urbanisation and climate change key drivers of dramatic flood impacts in Nepal. (2024)
- Long term strategies: low carbon growth, resilience and prosperity for Least Developed Countries
- Synthesis of the Least Developed Countries' NDCs
- The Warsaw International Mechanism - what has happened until now and what are the next big steps?
- Intended Nationally Determined Contributions: opportunity for Nepal
- The IPCC’s fifth assessment report and its implications for Nepal