Using the Global Stocktake to Improve National Climate Policy Ambition and Implementation
Leon Charles, Spencer Thomas, Rueanna Haynes, Kristin Qui, Damon Jones

The Global Stocktake (GST) is one of the centre-pieces of the Paris Agreement ambition mechanism, designed to take stock of implementation of the Agreement and assess progress towards achieving the Paris Agreement goals.
This report, commissioned by the Independent Global Stocktake, seeks to understand: (a) how seven diverse countries use UNFCCC guidance at the national level to influence policy and politics, and (b) the implications of these findings for the framing and use of the outcomes from the GST in 2023 as an important input into the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in 2025.
The report also seeks to identify the conditions under which the GST could have more effect on in-country processes and makes proposals for how the GST could be made more relevant at that national level and how the iGST can play a role in this regard.