This briefing explains why initial and successive 5 year commitment periods for all governments are a necessary element of the new agreement to help ensure that the 1.5/2°C limit is met, and how a 10 year commitment period would in fact fail to provide the long-term stability and certainty that governments seek.
This report presents different approaches to the distribution of mitigation efforts and compares results to the contributions that some governments submitted to the UNFCCC ahead of the climate conference in Paris.
The Climate Action Tracker finds that, if climate plans were fully implemented, they would bring the projected warming to 2.7°C – an improvement of 0.4˚C since the last assessment of pledges at the Lima talks in December 2014.
Working Papers
Crossing the threshold of 50 per cent of the pledges covered gives the GCF Board the authority to start allocating funding to concrete project and programme proposals. This is a major milestone in the evolution of the Fund.
The Structured Expert Dialogue (SED) has reviewed the adequacy of the agreed Long Term Goal of holding warming below 2°C. It has now released a technical summary - showing 2°C limit is too warm for many vulnerable systems and regions, and a 1.5°C limit would be significantly safer.