

Political implications of the long-term effect of surplus from the first and second Kyoto period


November 2012

There is a vast surplus of units in Kyoto's cap-and-trade system. . If no solution for the carry-over of this surplus from commitment period to commitment period is found, countries that have put forward a target for the second commitment period may be under no pressure to deviate from business-as-usual emissions until 2026.

Copenhagen Accord Pledges imply higher costs for staying below 2°C warming

Peer-reviewed Papers

April 2012

This study compares emission pathways aimed at limiting temperature increase to 2°C under varying constraints. The 2020 emission level represents a trade-off between short-term emission reductions and long-term dependence on rapid reductions through specific technologies (like negative emission reductions). Higher 2020 emissions lead to higher overall costs.