This briefing paper assesses the opportunities for Vietnam to transition towards 100% renewable energy and challenges such as high energy demand, the need for energy security, and over-reliance on emissions intensive fossil fuels.
Several of the world biggest emitters have expressed the targets of their National Determined Contributions in non-greenhouse gas units. The current draft CMA decision in relation to Article 6.2 allows for this inclusion, but there are fundamental concerns with regard to the integrity and effectiveness of such approaches.
This paper outlines why it is not legitimate or defensible — from a factual, legal or equity perspective — for Australia to use Kyoto Protocol “overachievement” toward its Paris Agreement Nationally Determined Contribution.
Deutschland wird seine nationalen Ziele verstärken und geeignete Maßnahmen ergreifen müssen, um die Ziele des Pariser Klimaabkommens zu erreichen. Dies wird laut erhebliche Anstrengungen im Verkehrssektor erfordern.