Long-term low emission, climate-resilient development strategies in Africa
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Africa Global Climate Action Partnership (AGCAP), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Regional Collaboration Centers, NDC Partnership, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA)

This project aims to equip representatives from African countries with the knowledge, skills and networks needed to develop and implement long-term low emission development strategies.
The Paris Agreement requires all signatories to produce long-term low-emission, climate-resilient development strategies (LT-LEDS). These merge climate change actions with national development and help identify and prioritise nationally appropriate mitigation and adaptation actions. For African countries, this includes a national economy-wide transformation approach.
Our team provides technical assistance to individual countries developing their LT-LEDS. They are also conducting a landscape analysis of LT-LEDS in Africa to gauge current approaches.
Landscape analysis
The research will review the state of LT-LEDS in Africa and identify challenges and opportunities for improving their development on the continent – drawing on lessons learned and best practices.
The project will also produce a Technical Guide to support African countries in the process of preparing their LT-LEDS, as well as those that have not yet started. The Guide will be informed by a series of bilateral and multilateral consultations and by the results of a survey conducted via African UNFCCC focal points. The report and the Guide will be presented at African Climate Week in Nairobi, 2023.
Climate Analytics Africa is assisting Togo's Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources, alongside UNDP, to produce the country's long-term low-carbon development strategy by defining the long-term national vision.
The project includes assessing Togo's revised Nationally Determined Contribution, analysing the socio-economic co-benefits in terms of national and sectoral vision, and developing a roadmap to inform the rest of the process.
To ensure that key stakeholders take ownership of this vision the project brings together stakeholders from ministries involved in climate change management and economic development, public companies, the private sector, and civil society for consultation and consensus-building workshops. Consultation with regional municipalities and decentralised government departments is also planned.

Cote d’Ivoire
We are supporting Cote d'Ivoire to develop its first long-term climate strategy. The aim is to agree on a time horizon for reaching carbon neutrality in line with the African Union's Agenda 2063, national stakeholder consultation based on the Côte d'Ivoire 2040 outlook and the Paris Agreement.
Our team is currently working in consultation with stakeholders from ministries involved in climate change management and economic development, public enterprises, the private sector and civil society. The team will produce a series of strategic dialogues based on this consultation and technical analysis.

As part of our AMBITION project, we are providing technical support to Benin as it updates and develops a number of long-term strategies. This includes updating its National Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development Strategy (2016-2025) – due to expire in 2025 – and helping to prepare the country’s long-term low-carbon development strategy.
We will also assist with the design of Benin’s Measurement, Reporting and Verification system and build capacity on measures to achieve carbon neutrality.