Developing ambitious 2035 climate targets and long-term strategies

This project seeks to enhance the ambition and quality of 2035 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and prepare Long Term Low Emissions Development Strategies (LT-LEDS) through technical assistance on a needs-basis.
Through country requests, the project aims to support development of robust and ambitious evidence-based climate plans that contribute to global efforts in achieving the Paris Agreement – particularly more ambitious emissions reduction targets and adaptation plans. This includes the development of implementation and investment strategies to improve access to climate finance and accelerate NDC implementation.
This project is providing support to Belize, Benin, Grenada, and Jamaica, among others. Country requests have included developing and updating NDCs, aligning NDCs with LT-LEDS, and recommendations for 1.5°C aligned decarbonisation pathways, reflecting socio-economic trends and relevant policy interventions.
The project will also involve economic analysis of the impact of reworking tax structures, subsidies, and/or regulatory frameworks to unlock and incentivise investment in climate action.
Our approach aims to enhance ownership of targets through wide and iterative stakeholder engagement with a view to ensuring lasting capacity and closing the implementation gap.