Dr Jan Sindt
Head of Implementation Strategies
Implementation Strategies, Management Team

Dr. Jan Sindt is Head of our Implementation Strategies team, focusing on climate mitigation and adaptation policies in Least Developed Countries. Currently based in Hamburg, he is a leading technical analyst for various Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) projects. He works on projections of greenhouse gas emissions, mitigation potentials and adaptation projects in LDCs and provides technical training and support for countries in Africa and the Caribbean.
Before joining Climate Analytics, Jan has worked at the Social Science Research Center Berlin and in a bridging project between the faculties of political science and forest sciences and forest ecology at the Georg-August University in Göttingen, focussing on the effectiveness of global environmental governance, stakeholder inclusion and MRV systems as well as sustainable fishery and forest management.
Dr. Jan Sindt has a background in international relations and global governance. He holds a PhD in political science from the Free University Berlin and the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies and a M.A. in global governance from Jacobs University and University Bremen.
Three takeaways from the INDC processes in vulnerable countries, Sandra Freitas, Howard Li, Jan Sindt, 10 May 2015
Sindt, Jan (2013) Compliance with public and private regulations for the environment. Dissertation. Free University Berlin.
- Long-term strategies in SIDS: blueprints for decarbonised and resilient 1.5°C compatible economies
- Antigua and Barbuda's national greenhouse gas reduction report
- Gouvernance forestière et climatique en République du Congo: Défis et Perspectives
- A ten point agenda for delivering higher mitigation ambition
- What role do forests and governance play in countries’ nationally determined contributions to the Paris Agreement? Case study from Cameroon