Cocou Amegnaglo
Climate Policy Analyst
Implementation Strategies

A national of Benin, Cocou joined Climate Analytics in March 2021 as a Climate Policy Analyst. His work focuses on NDC implementation planning with sectoral roadmaps for governments. He previously worked on the implementation of the PAS-PNA project in Benin where he was in charge of data analysis and management for the vulnerability study in the agriculture sector.
Cocou holds a PhD from the University of Ghana, Legon, in Applied Agricultural Economics and Policy with a specialty in Environmental Economics and Production. He also obtained a masters degree in Rural, Industrial and Environmental Economics. He has worked and conducted research on climate change impacts and financing solutions, agro-meteorology, production and institutional economics. His research has been published in different journals and presented at various international conferences. He was a recipient of the IPCC scholarship for his PhD research.
Cocou has also served as an Assistant Professor at the School of Agribusiness and Policy Analysis of the National University of Agriculture in Benin.