4I-TRACTION: transformative climate policies for the EU

To achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050, the EU will have to shift from incremental to transformative change, while delivering on a broad range of issues, from competitiveness and productivity to employment and health.
4I-TRACTION analyses what transformative climate policies could look like for the EU. Based on an assessment of existing climate policies in the EU and beyond and their performance, it will spell out a number of policy avenues and an overarching governance framework, to describe how the current mix of EU climate and energy policies needs to evolve in the 2020s to set course for greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050.
The analysis will be structured around four cross-cutting core challenges, the “4 I’s”:
1) fostering breakthrough Innovation,
2) shifting Investment and finance,
3) rolling out the Infrastructure for a climate-neutral and resilient economy, and
4) Integrating solutions across sectors.
This structure reflects that a systemic transformation will need to evolve beyond sectoral policy approaches. Incorporating scientific insights and policies from outside the EU as well as examining how the EU’s efforts interact with those of other key countries, the analysis will also include the global context.
The analysis will be thoroughly grounded in science, but also aligned with the EU’s dynamic political environment. To receive input, provide feedback and validate conclusions, the project will closely engage with a broad set of stakeholders throughout its lifespan.
Climate Analytics will lead on developing key elements of the project, including the concept of transformation and developing a scenario for the EU reflecting this concept in the respective “four Is”.Climate Analytics will assess the transformation and enablers in Paris Agreement compatible pathways, and develop robust transformation scenarios for the EU.
Climate Analytics will also lead work on integrating the international dimension of greenhouse gas neutrality in the project, through identification of good practice policies from non-EU countries and adapting them to EU’s circumstances; and assessing the global impact of the EU’s climate action.