
Loss and damage in South Asia: what COP28 needs to deliver for the region
Date | 8 Aug 2023 |
Time | 09:00 - 10:30 |
Venue | Online |
This webinar, organised in partnership with ICIMOD, discussed South Asia's priorities and challenges in relation to the new loss and damage fund and funding arrangements, the Santiago Network, and other key loss and damage issues to be agreed at COP28.

Value of 1.5 ambition for the GST – an interactive discussion
Date | 13 Jun 2023 |
Time | 10:00 - 11:00 |
Venue | Bonn |
Join us for this interactive side event at the UNFCCC intersessionals in Bonn to hear the latest science on the value of the 1.5°C limit for the Global Stocktake's main themes — mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation.

LAMACLIMA workshop - learnings on land cover and climate
Date | 13 Jun 2023 |
Time | 13:00 - 17:00 |
Venue | Online |
Join us for a virtual workshop were the outcomes of the LAMACLIMA project on land use, land cover and climate will be shared and discussed.

Youth activists, scientists and negotiators call for equitable fossil phase-out at Bonn climate talks
Date | 13 Jun 2023 |
Time | 12:00 - 13:00 |
Venue | Bonn |
This press event explored the urgent need for an equitable phase-out of coal, oil and gas while immediately and massively scaling up renewables and energy efficiency in a just and equitable way.

Transforming passenger transport in Eastern Europe: lessons from Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, and Romania
Date | 22 May 2023 |
Time | 12:00 - 13:00 |
Venue | Berlin |
This event will highlight key findings from a two-year research project on Eastern European transport policies and practices, with a particular focus on Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.

EGU 2023
Date | 24 Apr 2023 - 28 Apr 2023 |
Time | 14:00 - 14:00 |
Venue | Vienna |
The EGU General Assembly 2023 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences.