Transport Emissions Disaggregation Tool (TEDiT) - a new perspective on emissions reduction potential in passenger transport sector

Date 9 May 2022
Time 16:00 - 17:00

Under the EU law, member states have national, legally binding, emissions reduction targets for sectors including transport. The Transport Emissions Disaggregation Tool (TEDiT) aims to facilitate policy making by helping stakeholders to better understand the main drivers of emissions from this sector, and to identify policy gaps and overlaps.

What does the latest IPCC report mean for vulnerable countries?

Date 2 Mar 2022
Time 15:00 - 16:00
VenueOnline webinar
On 28 February, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is releasing the second report in its AR6 cycle focusing on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability to climate change.This event will bring together lead authors of the report, and representatives from small islands states and least developed countries, to take a deeper look at the key findings and the implications for countries and communities at the frontlines of the climate crisis.

Climate Analytics at COP26

Date 31 Oct 2021 - 12 Nov 2021
Time 09:00 - 17:00
VenueGlasgow, Scotland

The COP26 UN climate change conference convenes in Glasgow, Scotland from 31 October until 12 November. Climate Analytics organises and contributes to a number of events and press conferences. The topics cover a wide range of issues from the Climate Action Tracker’s assessment of governments’ progress on climate action to climate finance to new tools designed to help governments with science-based mitigation planning. But they are all linked through the overall theme of ambitious climate action in line with the Paris Agreement 1.5°C goal.

Rumbo a los 1,5°C: rutas y políticas para una transición justa en América Latina

Date 29 Sept 2021
Time 09:00 - 10:15
Este seminario web, co-organizado por Climate Analytics e Iniciativa Climática de México, explorará las nuevas rutas y políticas nacionales para Argentina, Colombia, México y Perú, centrándose en la nueva herramienta web desarrollada por Climate Analytics; el Explorador de Trayectorias Nacionales (National Pathway Explorer) hacia los 1,5°C, y cómo estas convergen con las comunidades locales y el desarrollo económico de la región.

New York City Climate Week 2021

Date 23 Sept 2021
Time 09:00 - 15:00
VenueNew York City

Climate Analytics is organising two online events during the 2021 New York Climate week: The road to Glasgow: What needs to happen by COP26 to keep the 1.5˚C goal alive? and Change We Want: Just Energy Transitions around the World.

APAC Climate Week: 1.5°C domestic emissions pathways and key sectoral implications

Date 6 Jul 2021
Time 08:00 - 09:00
VenueTuesday, 6 July 2021
This webinar, taking place as a part of Asia Pacific Climate week, will present new analysis that could support the development of updated NDCs, long-term strategies and net zero emission goals.Join us as we look at four case studies: Bangladesh, Japan, Singapore and Pakistan, to understand their unique country profiles and timelines for decarbonisation, with a focus on the power sector.