Klimawandelfolgen und stadtplanerische Anpassungsmaßnahmen in der Metropolregion Berlin

Date 29 Jan 2024
Time 09:00 - 11:00
VenueBezirksamt Pankow von Berlin, Haus 7, BVV-Saal, Fröbelstraße 17, 10405 Berlin

In dieser Veranstaltung möchten wir die Forschungsergebnisse des Projektes “Klimawandelfolgen in der Metropolregion Berlin” präsentieren und mit Politik und Zivilgesellschaft diskutieren.

Pre-COP: Plenary, Global Stocktake Plenary, Global Stocktake at Pre-COP in Abu Dhabi on 31 Oct 2023

Climate Analytics at COP28

Date 30 Nov 2023 - 12 Dec 2023
Time 09:00 - 18:00
VenueDubai, United Arab Emirates

COP28, the UN climate change conference, takes place in Dubai this year. Come find us at events covering a range of our work, from the need for an energy transition package, to adaptation planning in the Caribbean, to the role northern forests play in climate mitigation.

State of Climate Action 2023 launch event

Date 15 Nov 2023
Time 16:00 - 17:30

Get the main findings from the State of Climate Action 2023 report and hear from climate leaders about the key actions needed to accelerate transformational change this decade.

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Production Gap Report 2023 launch event

Date 8 Nov 2023
Time 16:00 - 17:15

Join the partners of the 2023 Production Gap Report for a critical exploration of global fossil fuel production in the context of the Paris Agreement’s temperature goals.

Ambition Summit 2023, New York

What the Ambition Summit means for COP28

Date 21 Sept 2023
Time 09:00 - 10:30
VenueVictor Borge Hall, Scandinavia House 58 Park Ave, New York, NY 10016

The morning after the Ambition Summit, our panel of thought leaders and first movers debate its impact on the international climate process and set out what needs to happen on the road to COP28 and beyond.

Overshooting 1.5°C: the latest science on the risks and action needed

Date 8 Sept 2023
Time 17:00 - 18:00

This webinar, hosted by the Horizon Europe project looking at climate overshoot (PROVIDE), will feature presentations and expert discussion on what the latest science suggests overshoot of 1.5°C could look like, what the implications are for our planet and societies, and how this should inform climate action today.