Insights and expert analysis on climate issues.

Developing countries need support adapting to deadly heat
Dr Fahad Saeed, Bill Hare
Many vulnerable people in South Asia are already struggling to protect themselves from unbearably high temperatures – which are set to worsen.

Australia is unlikely to achieve its net zero target. This is because of its support for fossil gas to 2050 and beyond, it’s long-term emissions reduction plan resorts to unrealistic technological fixes and emissions offsets and because its legislated target of a 43% emissions cut by 2030 is not aligned with a 1.5°C pathway to net zero by 2050.

How Africa can be better represented in the next cycle of IPCC reports and why it matters
Winnie Khaemba
Despite its climate vulnerabilities, Africa was highly underrepresented in the last IPCC cycle. As governments start planning the IPCC’s seventh assessment cycle, more funding and support for African climate science – and scientists – could help address this and result in more equitable climate policies.

"One of the key things about this whole problem is that the only way to solve it is that we need to rapidly reduce and phase out fossil fuels. That can’t wait a decade. We need to be making substantial reductions this decade," Bill Hare said in address to the Australia Institute’s Climate Integrity Summit on 20 March 2024.

Why 2024 needs to deliver on climate finance for South Asia and the world
Manjeet Dhakal, Tenzin Wangmo
To get climate action on track, 2024 needs to be the year we get moving on finance. We take a look at the current climate finance needs of South Asia and what to expect in the year ahead.

Evidence from Berlin makes the case for urban green spaces: up to 3°C cooler in a heatwave
Dalia Kellou
As global temperatures continue to rise, the safety and well-being of citizens within urban environments becomes increasingly important. Our recent work in the Berlin-Brandenburg area on adaptation to heat stress hammers home some truths – greener is better.