Insights and expert analysis on climate issues.

Overshoot Commission’s veneer of neutrality is solar radiation modification PR by stealth
Uta Klönne, Dr Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Bill Hare
Calls for a moratorium on solar radiation modification (SRM) today by the Overshoot Commission seem sensible – such sun-blocking technologies are highly risky. Yet in the same breath, the Commission appears to encourage moratorium-busting SRM testing, begging the question – is their new report a trojan horse?

Extreme weather is raging across the northern hemisphere. Our experts explain the implications of the emerging El Niño for our changing climate.

Climate change poses a risk to global food security. Weather and climate extremes, such as prolonged drought, heavy rainfall and heatwaves, can lead to harvest failures. These are occurring with increased magnitude and frequency on a warming planet. In addition, such events can disrupt supply chains, decreasing food supply and leading to price spikes.

Peak emissions before 2025: key messages from the IPCC’s Synthesis Report
Dr Carl-Friedrich Schleussner
The IPCC's final report of its Sixth Assessment Cycle is a comprehensive overview of the state of climate change and a roadmap for action in this critical. Our experts pull out the key messages.

Flooding in Pakistan: where vulnerability meets climate change, devastation can follow
Manjeet Dhakal, Dr Fahad Saeed
In the wake of the massive flooding in Pakistan, Fahad Saeed and Manjeet Dhakal explain how socioeconomic factors intersect with climate impacts in South Asia, compounding their effects on people and the environment. Based on the latest evidence from the IPCC, they break down what risks could emerge in the coming decades if warming is not limited to the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C threshold.