Insights and expert analysis on climate issues.

Why 2024 needs to deliver on climate finance for South Asia and the world
Manjeet Dhakal, Tenzin Wangmo
To get climate action on track, 2024 needs to be the year we get moving on finance. We take a look at the current climate finance needs of South Asia and what to expect in the year ahead.

Evidence from Berlin makes the case for urban green spaces: up to 3°C cooler in a heatwave
Dalia Kellou
As global temperatures continue to rise, the safety and well-being of citizens within urban environments becomes increasingly important. Our recent work in the Berlin-Brandenburg area on adaptation to heat stress hammers home some truths – greener is better.

Will 2024 be the year emissions start falling?
Dr Neil Grant
The IPCC says we need to peak global greenhouse gas emissions before 2025 to limit warming to 1.5ºC. We dive into the latest research to see if this deadline can be met.

The IPCC set to respond to growing demand for climate science to inform policy
Dr Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Uta Klönne, Dr Alexander Nauels
Last week in Istanbul, climate scientists and governments met in the sixtieth session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to agree a plan for its seventh, and potentially most consequential report cycle. The outcome means the IPCC will most probably take a more streamlined approach to its seventh cycle.

In 2024, mountains will feature strongly in a number of climate processes, such as the the expert dialogue on mountains at the climate talks in Bonn this June.

"The only GST that matters for 1.5°C": key takeaways from the first global stocktake at COP28
Dr Neil Grant, Bill Hare, Dr Carl-Friedrich Schleussner
We breakdown the key takeaways from the first global stocktake (GST) since the Paris Agreement and how it sets the stage for the next two years in climate.