Sylvia Schmidt

Research Associate

Climate Science and Impacts

Sylvia has been involved in scientific stakeholder engagement and assisted with management within the science team while at Climate Analytics. She works on stakeholder engagement on SPARCCLE and PROVIDE, while also being on the PROVIDE’s coordination team. She has performed scientific stakeholder engagement through stakeholder mapping, outreach, and event planning and design for multiple projects since joining. She has also been involved report and case study development. Her research interests include adaptative capacity, governance, and co-development of related tools and guidance.

Sylvia has a M.Sc. in Integrated Natural Resource Management at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and a bachelor’s degree in Geography from Rutgers University. Her master thesis explored effects of informational governance on the socio-ecological groundwater system in Central Asia. Before joining Climate Analytics, Sylvia supported hazard mitigation and community engagement in her former position at Michael Baker International for the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency.