
Working Papers
The allocation framework described in this paper is based on the assumption that the allocation decisions with regard to concrete proposals are taken by the Green Climate Fund Board based on agreed principles, priorities and criteria.

Working Papers
For the operation of the Green Climate Fund, it will be essential to define how the objective to promote paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways - as specified in the governing instrument – will be operationalised.

Working Papers
The Green Climate Fund's resource allocation framework will have to provide agreed principles and criteria for making transparent how decisions are taken on what will be financed, while at the same time taking into account the guiding principles of the governing instrument.

This paper briefly highlights some of the significant and fundamental differences in objectives, terminology, approach, source of financing, legal nature and – importantly – responsibility under the UNFCCC and the Hyogo Framework.

Working Papers
Agricultural microinsurance is currently being tested in a wide variety of settings to support smallholder farmers in developing countries in coping with the effects of climate change, such as droughts, floods, or increased frequency and severity of infestations. This paper shows that microinsurance can also help smallholders to adapt to climate change.