
The Climate Action Tracker shows that implemented government policies will lead to warming of 3.7°C by the end of this century, about 0.6°C higher than that under the Copenhagen pledges.

Japan’s new 2020 target of a 3.8% cut in emissions at 2005 levels, announced overnight, will increase its own emissions and widen the global emissions gap by 3-4%, according to the Climate Action Tracker.

The Australian Government’s plans to dismantle the current climate legislation could lead to it increasing emissions in 2020 rather than meeting its target of reducing them by 5% from 2000 levels.

This paper provides a novel and comprehensive model-based assessment of possible outcomes of the Durban Platform negotiations with a focus on emissions reduction requirements, the consistency with the 2°C target and global economic impacts.

This technical report was commissioned by African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) to inform policymakers of the shortcomings and opportunities for adaptation to climate change in Africa.