
A short summary of the 10 key messages from the final report of the Structured Expert Dialogue.

Unless ‘climate neutrality’ is strictly defined as ‘zero global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions’ in the Paris Agreement, which seems very unlikely at this stage of the negotiations, it is clear that it will lead to an undermining of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


The Climate Action Tracker’s analysis released during COP21 in Paris finds that if all coal plants in the pipeline were to be built, by 2030, emissions from coal power would be 400% higher than what is consistent with a 2°C pathway.

Global mean warming reached 1°C above preindustrial for the first time. It is a signal from the climate system that time is running out if we are to be able to reduce emissions fast enough so as to hold warming below 2°C, and ultimately below 1.5°C by 2100.