This briefing note outlines the scientific conditions under which warming can be limited to well below 2°C over the 21st century, and return to below 1.5°C by 2100.
The Green Climate Fund has approved its first eight projects including two from Small Island Developing States (Fiji and Maldives) and three from Least Developed Countries (Bangladesh, Malawi and Senegal).
This briefing explains why initial and successive 5 year commitment periods for all governments are a necessary element of the new agreement to help ensure that the 1.5/2°C limit is met, and how a 10 year commitment period would in fact fail to provide the long-term stability and certainty that governments seek.
This report presents different approaches to the distribution of mitigation efforts and compares results to the contributions that some governments submitted to the UNFCCC ahead of the climate conference in Paris.
Peer-reviewed Papers
Here, we investigate an approach that involves a major-economy country taking the lead for decarbonisation.