
The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) has updated its government climate action rating system to better reflect the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C long term warming limit. This briefing explains the new categories, which help to highlight the adequacy and fairness of government climate commitments for the Paris Agreement.

Peer-reviewed Papers
This article identifies the opportunities for engagement on the topic of non-economic losses from climate change under the existing mechanisms under the UNFCCC.

This briefing describes the equity methodology Climate Analytics uses to assess how governments could share the burden of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Peer-reviewed Papers
This special feature of the journal Regional Environmental Change examines biophysical impacts under different warming scenarios and considers scientifically derived development impacts to gain a better understanding of vulnerability to climate change.

Peer-reviewed Papers
This commentary in Nature Climate Change discusses how evidence from the observational climate record provides useful guidance in discriminating the climate impacts of half-degree warming increments, which is high on the science agenda since the adoption of the 1.5°C temperature limit in Paris Agreement.

As part of its decarbonisation series, the Climate Action Tracker looks at the future of natural gas and finds that it is limited, even as a bridging fuel. Continued investments into the sector create the risk of breaching the Paris Agreement’s long-term temperature goal and will result in stranded assets.