

Adaptation map

Working Papers

April 2017

The adaptation map webtool provides an overview of adaptation actions in 11 countries in West Africa and the Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) since 2010.

Social vulnerability to climate change: a review of concepts and evidence

Peer-reviewed Papers

February 2017
This article provides a review of recent scientific literature on social vulnerability to climate change, aiming to determine which social and demographic groups, across a wide range of geographical locations, are the most vulnerable to climate change impacts within four well-being dimensions: health, safety, food security, and displacement.
Characterising half-a-degree difference: a review of methods for identifying regional climate responses to global warming targets

Peer-reviewed Papers

January 2017

Regional climate signals at specific global warming levels, and especially the differences between 1.5°C and 2°C, are not well constrained in the science. This article reviews alternative approaches for identifying regional climate signals associated with global temperature limits, and evaluates the extent to which they constitute a sound basis for impacts analysis.

Annual report 2016

Annual Reports

December 2016

We look back at how our work reflected and fed into the global priorities following the adoption of the Paris Agreement.