

Ocean Acidification: Causes and Consequences

Working Papers

May 2010

Of current anthropogenic CO2 emissions, about 30% is absorbed by the oceans, in response to the higher CO2 concentration of the atmosphere. The net absorption by the oceans will stop when the equilibrium is restored at the ocean’s surface. This will only occur gradually after the atmospheric concentration ceases to rise.

Assessing 20th century climate–vegetation feedbacks of land-use change and natural vegetation dynamics in a fully coupled vegetation–climate model

Peer-reviewed Papers

April 2010

This study describes the coupling of the dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM), Lund–Potsdam–Jena Model for managed land (LPJmL), with the general circulation model (GCM), Simplified Parameterizations primitivE Equation DYnamics model (SPEEDY), to study the feedbacks between land-use change and natural vegetation dynamics and climate during the 20th century.