

Climate impacts from a removal of anthropogenic aerosol emissions

Peer-reviewed Papers

January 2018
Limiting global warming to 1.5 or 2.0°C requires strong mitigation of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Concurrently, emissions of anthropogenic aerosols will decline, due to coemission with GHG, and measures to improve air quality. However, the combined climate effect of GHG and aerosol emissions over the industrial era is poorly constrained. This study shows the climate impacts from removing present-day anthropogenic aerosol emissions and compares them to the impacts from moderate GHG-dominated global warming.
Why using 20-year Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) for emission targets are a very bad idea for climate policy


November 2017
There have been proposals for the UNFCCC to adopt a dual-term greenhouse gas accounting standard: 20-year GWPs alongside the presently accepted 100-year GWPs. It is argued that the advantage of such a change would be to more rapidly reduce short term warming and buy time for CO2 reductions. This briefing shows why these changes would be counterproductive and the benefits overstated.
Tropical cyclones: impacts, the link to climate change and adaptation


November 2017

Following the string of high-intensity tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin in 2017 and the devastating impacts on small island states, a number of questions have been raised about linkages between these cyclones and climate change. This briefing provides clarity on scientifically-supported connections between existing tropical cyclones and climate change.

Linking sea level rise and socioeconomic indicators under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways

Peer-reviewed Papers

October 2017

This paper incorporates latest findings on Antarctic ice sheet dynamics into new sea level rise modelling, and pairs it with the new generation of scenarios – Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and compares them with outcomes for the previous generation of scenarios - Representative Concentration Pathways, used in the last IPCC Assessment.