

Social vulnerability to climate change: a review of concepts and evidence

Peer-reviewed Papers

February 2017
This article provides a review of recent scientific literature on social vulnerability to climate change, aiming to determine which social and demographic groups, across a wide range of geographical locations, are the most vulnerable to climate change impacts within four well-being dimensions: health, safety, food security, and displacement.
Characterising half-a-degree difference: a review of methods for identifying regional climate responses to global warming targets

Peer-reviewed Papers

January 2017

Regional climate signals at specific global warming levels, and especially the differences between 1.5°C and 2°C, are not well constrained in the science. This article reviews alternative approaches for identifying regional climate signals associated with global temperature limits, and evaluates the extent to which they constitute a sound basis for impacts analysis.


Working Papers

September 2016

RegioClim is an online tool that gives non-expert users simple access to regional climate projections for all African countries for five climate indicators: temperature, hot extremes, precipitation, wet extremes and five-day wet extremes.

Armed-conflict risks enhanced by climate-related disasters in ethnically fractionalised countries

Peer-reviewed Papers

July 2016

We find evidence in global datasets that risk of armed-conflict outbreak is enhanced by climate-related disaster occurrence in ethnically fractionalised countries. Although we find no indications that environmental disasters directly trigger armed conflicts, our results imply that disasters might act as a threat multiplier in several of the world’s most conflict-prone regions.