Our projects

Ce projet soutient les Pays les Moins Avancés (PMA) de l’Afrique subsaharienne dans leurs processus de formulation de Plans Nationaux d’Adaptation (PNA). Il se déroule au Bénin, au Sénégal et au Burkina Faso, où les partenaires principaux sont les ministères nationaux chargés du changement climatique.

The Regional Climate Champion Project aims to build a regional coalition for ambitious implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The Horizon Europe funded project, Down2Earth, looks at future risks from water scarcity and food insecurity in vulnerable countries in the Horn of Africa Drylands and supports community-centered climate adaptation and resilience.


We assisted the Governments of a number of countries in their domestic preparation for the formulation of their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs), in the context of the 2015 climate agreement.