Our projects

The EU-funded project “Constraining uncertainty of multi-decadal climate projections” (CONSTRAIN) will address crucial knowledge gaps in climate science to significantly improve our understanding of how natural and human factors affect multi-decadal regional climate change. The project will deliver improved climate projections of policy relevance for the next 20 to 50 years, contributing to European research on fundamental climate system processes and climate variability.


We developed a high-resolution climate impact model for the Berlin-Brandenburg region, highlighting the unique adaptation and planning needs of its urban area.

The HLSM High-Level Support Mechanism for LDC and SIDS on Climate Change project creates a support mechanism for high-level political representatives and their advisors from LDCs and SIDS that is demand-driven, responsive to ongoing needs and firmly rooted in the respective regions.

The EmBARK project investigates possible trajectories of socio-economic transformation processes and analyse their relevance as potential barriers to adaptation to climate change.
