Regional training workshop on NDC monitoring and projection of greenhouse gas emissions and support of BTR preparation
27 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024 | |
09:00 - 17:00 | |
Brazzaville, Congo |
Cocou Amegnaglo is helping to facilitate a 4-hr session on regional progress on long-term low-emission, climate-resilient development strategies (LT-LEDS) preparation.

Join us on Day 4 of the regional training workshop where Cocou Amegnaglo – alongside partners ECCAS, AGNES, UNFCCC, RCC West and Central Africa, and AFDB – will run a four-hour workshop on long-term low-emission, climate-resilient development strategies (LT-LEDS) preparation
Session 5: LT-LEDS preparation: What is the region’s progress on LT-LEDS preparation?
Each country to provide an update on LT-LEDS preparation and preparation plan (when applicable), highlighting the work done in mobilizing data, experts, highlighting the collaboration at the national level, and the methodologies used.
Participants to highlight overall success and difficulties in preparing LT-LEDS.
Exercise – Sharing a discussion on guides and materials used for LT-LEDS production (including AGNES Technical guide to preparing LT LEDS, produced by Climate Analytics)
Feedback and discussion from exercise. Views on components of LT-LEDS that are clear/unclear. Who writes what? Data problems, tools and expertise needs for LT-LEDS. Other support and capacity building going on.