Climate Analytics at COP26
31 Oct 2021 - 12 Nov 2021 | |
09:00 - 17:00 | |
Glasgow, Scotland |
The COP26 UN climate change conference convenes in Glasgow, Scotland from 31 October until 12 November. Climate Analytics organises and contributes to a number of events and press conferences. The topics cover a wide range of issues from the Climate Action Tracker’s assessment of governments’ progress on climate action to climate finance to new tools designed to help governments with science-based mitigation planning. But they are all linked through the overall theme of ambitious climate action in line with the Paris Agreement 1.5°C goal.

Monday 1 November, 19:00-20:00, EU Pavilion
Updates on the Emissions Gap and country action from major progress trackers
Join us for presentations of the key findings of the Emissions Gap Report and insights on country progress and action based on analysis by PBL and the Climate Action Tracker. Interactive discussions will cover whether G20 countries are on track to the Paris Agreement goals; opportunities to enhance ambition and action; alignment with net-zero; comparisons of ambition levels and issues of fairness.
The speakers include Anne Olhoff (UDP), Michel den Elzen (PBL), Claire Fyson (CA), Louise Jeffrey (NCI), Joeri Rogelj (ICL)
Tuesday 1 November, 9:30-10:30, NDC Partnerships Pavilion
Making the money flow: Why SIDS and LDCs have trouble accessing climate finance and how some countries are addressing these challenges
Even though climate finance and private capital may be available, SIDS and LDCs face capacity constraints to access funding for NDC implementation. Ministries, departments, and agencies responsible for accessing climate finance face challenges and constraints to their ability to prioritize, develop, and manage project concepts and to push them forward to approval and implementation. Despite similar constraints, some LDCs and SIDS have proven more successful than others in accessing implementation support. This event will explore the factors that enabled this success, and share lessons learned and potential best practices between SIDS and LDCs, as well as innovative approaches to leverage limited capacities.
Presenters: Kouassigan Tovivo, Climate Analytics, Kristin Qui, Climate Analytics
Panelists: Madeleine Diouf Sarr, Head of Climate Change Division, Senegal,
Ambassador Diann Black-Layne, Director of the Department of Environment, Antigua & Barbuda, Abhishek Yadav, NDC Partnership In-Country Facilitator, Nepal
Laetitia De Marez, Director, Climate Finance Access Network
Moderator: Dr. Adelle Thomas, Climate Analytics
Wednesday 3 November, 10:00-13:00, Meeting Room 4
Risk Assessments to Inform Adaptation and Loss and Damage, Earth Information Day
The Earth Information Day provides a dialogue for exchanging information on the state of the global climate system and developments in systematic observation (FCCC/SBSTA/2019/2 para. 58).
Earth Information Day 2021 will consist of an in-person dialogue session and a virtual poster session and focus on two themes, as guided by submissions, and in consideration of the mandates and the wider context of ongoing work under the UNFCCC.
Climate Analytics expert: Adelle Thomas
Thursday 4 November, 10:45-11:30, SDG7 Pavilion
Higher, further, faster: co-benefits of an accelerated energy transition in line with 1.5°C
This event, hosted by Climate Analytics, will explore national pathways to 1.5°C for selected countries and how reducing emissions could help the world achieve the SDG7 goal. Presenting our web tool the “1.5°C national pathway explorer”, we will step through the emissions reductions needed at the national level for case study countries, and how governments can achieve these reductions, with a focus on the power sector. We will then share the results of our recent analysis with Solutions For Our Climate on the co-benefits of accelerated climate action and linkages with other SDGs, using South Korea as an example.
Speakers: Matthew Gidden, Marie-Camille Attard (CA), Siddharth Pathak (2050 Pathways Platform), Seukyoung Lee (Solutions for our climate), Richard Black (Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit) – moderator
Thursday 4 November 11:00-12:30, AOSIS Pavilion
SIDS and Loss and Damage
The side-event will focus on the impact of climate change on Small Island Developing States causing (SIDS) Loss and Damage, and how to operationalize action and support from those responsible for the damage incurred.
Climate Analytics expert: Adelle Thomas
Tuesday 9 November, 14:00-15:00, Press Conference Room Durdle Door
Press conference by Climate Action Tracker
Climate Analytics experts: Bill Hare, Claire Stockwell (moderator)
Recording here
Tuesday, 9 November, 15:00-16:00, AOSIS Pavilion
The Multidimensional Vulnerability Index for SIDS: Economic and Scientific Approaches to Understanding Vulnerability
More information to follow
Climate Analytics expert: Adelle Thomas
Wednesday 10 November, 15:00-16:15, Lomond Auditorium
Scaling Up: Case Studies in Collaborations between Cities and Higher Education Institutions
Organised by UCCRN, Second Nature, UC3, and Drexel University, more information to follow
Climate Analytics expert: Adelle Thomas
Thursday 11 November 2021, 16:45-18:00, Multimedia studio 3
Keeping 1.5°C alive How can we pull back from the brink?
The goal of keeping warming to 1.5°C has captured hearts and minds but could slip from our grasp. To thrive in an equitable and just way, we need to keep the goal alive. We will set out the current state of play and what is needed on key fronts: NDCs, finance, nature, energy and non-state actors.
2021 is a crucial year for tackling the climate and biodiversity crises, rising inequalities and a devastating pandemic. However, The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report confirms that the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is still within reach but requires steep and immediate emission reductions. Recent net zero targets go in the right direction, but it is action in the short-term that will determine the success of the Paris Agreement. The latest UNFCCC synthesis report on the 2030 climate pledges show a worrying lack of progress in this regard.
Taking place as we reach the end of COP26 in Glasgow, Climate Analytics and WWF invite you to join us in this important discussion. We will outline the latest IPCC science and explore what needs to happen both at global and national level post-COP26 to put the world on track to achieving the Paris Agreement temperature goal. Our expert panelists will cover in particular the need for a rapid transition to a renewables-based energy system and the role of nature in Paris Agreement compatible climate action – tackling head on a triplet of tough conversations that need to be had as we look forward to 2022.
Confirmed speakers include Dr Carl-Friedrich Schleussner (Climate Analytics), Laura Williamson (REN21), Vanessa Pérez-Cirera (WWF), Leo Hickman (Carbon Brief) – moderator
No registration is required for the event. Registered COP participants can follow it through the COP26 Platform.