Theresa Rauch
Senior Project Manager
Climate Science and Impacts

Theresa Rauch is a senior project manager for the Climate Science and Impacts team, based in Climate Analytics Berlin office. She supports the Science Team with the planning, implementation, and reporting of research projects. To enable successful project delivery, she also supports the team with budget management and forecasting, and liaises both across the organisation and with external partners. Since joining Climate Analytics in 2016, Theresa has supported the implementation of over 30 research projects with national funding agencies such as the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and GIZ, international funders such as Horizon2020, HorizonEurope, the World Bank, the Green Climate Fund and many more on a huge variety of topics from global climate modelling and land and climate interactions to adaption planning and vulnerability analysis.
Before joining Climate Analytics, Theresa worked as a scientific project coordinator at the Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). There she supported the coordination of several EU-funded research projects through project management, organisation and moderation of workshops. She has also worked for international development firms and small non-profit organisations campaigning for energy efficiency and climate protection.
Her background is in European Studies and Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies.