Dr Kim Coetzee

Climate Policy Analyst

Climate Policy Analysis


Kim coordinates and researches the G20 member Profiles for Climate Transparency’s “Climate Transparency Report” which since 2015 has offered a comprehensive yearly review of G20 members’ climate performance, mapping achievements and backsliding in their efforts to reduce emissions, adapt to climate impacts and green the financial system. The Report is an annual collaboration between 16 research organisations and NGOs, including Climate Analytics, from the majority of the G20 countries, under the auspices of the global Climate Transparency partnership. The annual reports are available to download here

Before joining Climate Analytics in February 2020, she was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Here her research focussed on evaluating the mobilisation and practice of sustainable consumption (1/2 of SDG 12) in the global South through an examination of systems of food provision and regulation, consumer habits, and trends and fashions in food consumption.

Kim has a PhD in Energy and Development from the University of Cape Town, for which she analysed the interactions between India’s national level climate policy and the UNFCCC negotiations using Robert Cox’s Critical International Relations theory. During her PhD she worked as a researcher on the Mitigation Action Plans and Scenarios Programme (MAPS), primarily focussing on the BASIC countries and supporting the South African delegations to the BASIC Ministerial Meetings on Climate Change as well as the UNFCCC.

She has a longstanding interest in the nexus of trade, climate change, consumption and low carbon development strategies as these intersect with societal norms and behaviours. Her Masters thesis (awarded with distinction) examined the differences in the treatment of marine-based Article XX exception cases under the GATT and WTO.